Thursday, March 13, 2014

Avoiding the public when you think you look bad.

I go through this a lot... though I've been caring less lately.

Today, I especially was not interested in running errands. Not necessarily because I thought I looked unpresentable but because I'm just so physically exhausted. Let me explain.

This past weekend my boyfriend and I, and our two friends drove down to Virgina (in separate cars) to attend a Magic Grand Prix (look that up if you don't know what that is). 8 hours down, 3 days at the event, 8 hours back (my bf drove that last 4 hrs). Just the driving was exhausting all in itself. We got back Monday morning around 3:30am. I couldn't get to sleep right away but when I finally managed to I had to wake back up around 10 to get ready for work (my one part-time job is a housekeeper). My hip was acting kind of funny from being in the same position all those hours driving. My shin muscle area, not the calves, was sore on my right leg. Needless to say, after work I didn't want to do anything. And I didn't until Wednesday.

It snowed again. And mother nature dumped a shit ton of snow in our area. I didn't have to go in to work that day because my boss didn't want me out on the roads (she's awesome like that). Around noon I decided to shovel while the driveway was still easy enough to. There were only a few inches at this time so I could just push the snow with the shovel to the side of the driveway. This whole process took about an hour and fifteen minutes or so. The end of the driveway was the hardest since when the plows come through, everything from the road gets piled up there (I live on a busy street, too, so they came through quite frequently). This took a little more effort. After I had finally finished I could already tell my arm was going to be quite sore. My right shoulder especially started feeling tight.

Quick background story-  having someone plow our driveway is part of our rent. I didn't have to shovel. I only did because sometimes the guy who plows us doesn't come. And trust me, I've let the landlady know.

I wanted to make the driveway a little easier to get out of by the time my bf had to go to work. It kept snowing and snowing, and soon it looked like I hadn't done jack out there. So...I got in contact with the landlady and asked her to see if the guy who plows us wouldn't mind coming out before my bf had to leave for work (we have a small Hyundai Accent...). Shockingly he actually did the job around 4:30, half an hour before my bf was planning on leaving. Sweet. So that worked out splendidly and my bf made it safely to work.

Today is the day after my shoveling adventure. I had to go in to work since I didn't go yesterday. My right hand is sore, when I stretch it out I can feel it in my thumb area. Shoulders, back, and just an all around feeling of blah.

I don't want to do anything. No dishes, no laundry, nothing. It's driving me crazy because I want to get things done, but right now I couldn't give a flying duck. (I don't even want to make a video!)

*****Back to the topic of this entry (sorry it took so long to get back to it)*****.

Just dropped off my bf at work and on the way back home I was contemplating grabbing a couple things at the store. It's Thursday (which is pay day for many folk) and it was rush hour. For one, I simply wasn't in the mood to deal with crowds, and two, my overwhelming blahness completely suppressed any desire I had to grab the few things I needed. And yes, I was not showered and with no makeup so that was probably the third reason.

Like I said at the beginning of this post: I've been caring less and less about looking my best in public. When shit needs to get done and I'm already out of the house for some other reason, I'm not going to run home and make myself up and then go out again. It's a waste of time. I've been practicing this a lot within the past year because I realized something. I don't give a damn if someone else isn't wearing make up or looking pretty. So why would I care so much about how others are perceiving me if most of them are probably not giving a damn as well!? The only time I have to give a damn is for my other work that I do.

If I didn't feel like crap physically, I probably would have said "fuck it" and gone in anyway. My boyfriend needs some food stuffs for when I'm gone for another two days (yay for another 3.5 hr drive!)

I guess the whole point of this post is to say that it's OK to feel too exhausted to do something. It's OK to not wear makeup outside of the house. It's OK to not give a damn about what other people think of you!
And of course, it's OK to not run an errand if you're not comfortable doing so.

Do it later! Do it when there are less people around. Do it on another day where you feel better! The only thing I have to say is just make sure you do it as soon as possible if it's a very important errand.

I think I'll end this post here because frankly I'm getting too tired to think anymore.
Definitely going to bed earlier tonight after I pack >_<

I hope this post wasn't too long and drawn out for you guys. And I hope you at least got something out of it.
Thanks for taking the time to read. Until next time!

Can't wait to sleep like a baby...

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