Tuesday, May 27, 2014

You can't take things too personally when you're in business.

When you're a strong R personality like I am (R= relationship), you may tend to take things more personally than you need to.

I just had an experience a little while ago that I am working on overcoming.

My business is helping people. And when people deny that help, it makes me feel bad. Why? Because I believe with my whole heart that my business could provide that person with at least a little help.

I have been taught at our trainings that you simply cannot take rejection personally. Most people turn me down because they have preconceived notions about what I do, they assume that I do certain things (is that the same thing as my first example?), or they just don't know what it is that I'm offering and don't care enough to let me explain in entirety.

I think fear plays a role when someone makes the decision not to let me sit down with them. Fear of the unknown. We've heard that one before. But how will you ever know about something if you don't let it into your life? Now.. I know that could be applied to a lot of things.. like drugs. I'm sure most of us know that cocaine does terrible things to a person and knowing that we can avoid it from entering our lives. That's a completely different story. Learning something new on the other hand? Why not? At the very least you'd walk away with more useful knowledge. What's so wrong with that?

"Every where you go somebody is trying to sell you something." More often than not that does seem to be the case. Makeup, vacuums, purses, self-help programs- you name it. But what about those who are trying to share the gift of education? Intellectual property is yours to keep. Forever. No one can take that away from you.

Gah. I think I'm trailing off from the point.

Basically, all of us, whether we're in direct selling, network marketing, real estate, banking, education etc... there will always be someone who says no- whatever the reason. More often than not it's not because of WHO you ARE as a PERSON. Most people have had a bad experience with a sales person, or have been scammed or screwed by some representative. Therefore there is negative connotation with these terms; which is unfortunate for the honest reps out there who are truly trying to help people and make their lives better-with out getting them into further debt.

You can be the nicest, most caring and honest person in the world. If you have found the cure for cancer- there will STILL be skeptics! There will still be people who don't believe you- even after seeing proof.

So for those in business getting those no's, they will always lead you to the yeses. What I've learned is you have to focus on the process- not the outcome. Say something that didn't work? Ok. Think about it, revise it, and try something else. Growing and changing is a part of business. You will not succeed if you aren't coachable and willing to change in order to improve. Focus on your process--- and those outcomes will start being in your favor.

When a potential client says "no."

You say "next!"

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